We are pleased to present the submissions from our project undergraduate and graduate level students. The projects span a variety of topics and disciplines. We believe that effective science communication is more important now than it ever has been. We challenged our students to embrace #BetterPoster principles in creating their presentations.  

Here are the guidelines that were given to the students: 

Students were strongly encouraged to present a physical #BetterPoster style poster during the conference to compete for travel awards and network with our external advisory board members. A template was provided.

First, Second, and Third Place winners were selected in both undergraduate and graduate categories. The winners were announced the morning of Tuesday, May 17, 2022 during the All-Hands Annual Meeting. All students who submitted presentations receive a certificate of completion, and the winners receive travel awards to present their work at relevant regional and national conferences.

2022 Winners

  • Grad 1st: Fumiko Kobayashi, UALR
  • Grad 2nd: Swarna Sethu, UAF
  • Grad 3rd: Kristopher Johnson, SAU
  • Undergrad 1st: Abby Willard, UAF
  • Undergrad 2nd: Aaron Moody, UCA
  • Undergrad 3rd: Tie – Betül Ensari, ATU & Sky Wess, SAU

How to Claim Your Prize!

For questions on how to redeem your prize, please contact Cathy Ma at the central office (cma@arkansasedc.com).

Graduate Students: Each student wins a travel award to attend the 2023 National NSF EPSCoR Annual Conference in Portland, Maine. The conference will take place November 13-16, 2022. Students should plant to present their poster during the conference poster session.

Undergraduate Students: Each student wins a travel award (1st place = $1,000; 2nd place = $750; 3rd place = $500) to attend and present their poster at a domestic conference of their choice. Students must file paperwork in advance with the central office.

Select Posters

List of All Posters in the Competition

Last NameThemeGroupInstitutionPoster Title
AlimohammadiLPGRAUAFLearning and decision-making using healthcare transaction data
DunlapLPGRAUAFImage and Sound Based Machine Learning Models for Boiling Regime Classification
EnsariUGATU Early Prediction of Child Molestation with Artificial Intelligence
EubankCIGRAUAMSTransforming Qualitative Clinical Data by Establishing a Reproducible Data Interpretation Method
GautamDCGRAUAMSUtilizing ribosomal proteins for a better taxonomy
IslamSMGRAUALRExperimentation with Feature Selection and Data Imputation Methods to Improve Refugee Regression and Classification Prediction Models
JohnsonLPGRASAUOut of Distribution User Verification Using an Incremental Neural Network
KandelDCGRAUAMSGenomic Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing
Klein & TrecoSAGRAUAFBig Data and User’s Privacy Concerns, Attitudes and Behaviors: Gender and Race/Ethnicity
KobayashiDCGRAUALRMetadata is out, context is in! How to invert the ER paradigm for an automated world
LeamonsLPUGSAUTopological Image Preprocessing for Skin Lesion Classification
MaDCGRAUALRMachine learning-based approaches for transcription network reconstruction
MannaDCGRAUAMSProteogenomics analysis to identify acquired resistance-specific alterations in melanoma PDXs on MAPKi therapy
McDonaldEDUGUAFGEOS 3733- Geospatial Data Science in Public Health
MoodySAUGUCAUsing AI to produce comprehensible and trustworthy summaries
OdebodeSMGRAUAFImproving Disaster Response Logistics by Applying Big Data Techniques to Multimedia Social and Other Data to Assess Road Status in Near Real Time
SchonefeldLPGRASAUPlaying Atari Games (even the notorious ones) with Deep Reinforcement Learning
SethuLPGRAUAFToward fair and reliable consumer acceptability prediction from food appearances
SpannSMGRAUALRModeling Protestor Orchestration in Social Networks
SpurlingSAUGUCAAnomaly detection in crowdsourced work with interval-valued labels
VanSAGRAUAFDefending Evasion Attacks via Adversarially Adaptive Training
VoLPGRAUAFAOE-Net: Entities Interactions Modeling for Events Detection in Video
WadleyEDGRAUAMSNanopore Sequencing for Detection and Characterization of Phosphorothioate Modifications in Native DNA Sequences
WangDCGRAUALRDeepCausality: A General AI-powered Causal Inference Framework for Text – A Case Study of Drug-induced Liver Injury