Welcome to the virtual poster hall for the 2021 DART Student Virtual Poster Competition!

We are pleased to present the submissions from our project undergraduate and graduate level students. The projects span a variety of topics and disciplines. We believe that effective science communication is more important now than it ever has been. We challenged our students to embrace #BetterPoster principles in creating their presentations.  

Here are the guidelines that were given to the students: 

  • Use the provided template and the included examples and ideas to create your DART #BetterPoster
  • Overall submission should be between 5-7 slides and no more than 4 minutes long
  • Get creative on the remaining slides, make good use of color, font, and images. Avoid scientific jargon. Use this tool to help simplify your text 
  • For inspiration, please refer to this video, this video, or look at examples on Twitter with tags #BetterPoster and #TwitterPoster 

First, Second, and Third Place winners were selected in both undergraduate and graduate categories. The winners were announced in the afternoon of Monday September 13, 2021 during the virtual All-Hands Annual Meeting. All students who submitted presentations receive a certificate of completion, and the winners will receive travel awards to present their work at relevant regional and national conferences.

2021 Winners

  • Grad 1st: Thanh-Dat Truong, UAF
  • Grad 2nd: Regan Harper, UAF
  • Grad 3rd: Maryam Alimohammadi, UAF
  • Undergrad 1st: Rebekah Leamons, SAU
  • Undergrad 2nd: Mackenzie Spurling, UCA
  • Undergrad 3rd: Star Douangchanh, ATU

How to Claim Your Prize!

For questions on how to redeem your prize, please contact Cathy Ma at the central office (cma@arkansasedc.com).

Graduate Students: Each student wins a travel award to attend the 2022 National NSF EPSCoR Annual Conference in Portland, Maine. The conference will take place November 13-16, 2022. Students should plant to present their poster during the conference poster session.

Undergraduate Students: Each student wins a travel award (1st place = $1,000; 2nd place = $750; 3rd place = $500) to attend and present their poster at a domestic conference of their choice. Students must file paperwork in advance with the central office.

Poster List

Last NameThemeGroupInstitutionPoster Title
TrecoSAGRAUAFA Systematic Review of User's Privacy Concerns, Attitudes, and Behaviors
KhoaLPGRAUAFABN: Agent-Aware Boundary Networks for Temporal Action Proposal
HarveyLPGRAUAFAdapting Deep Learning to Rare-Event Failures in Repairable Systems
DickeyLPGRAASUAndroid Malware Deterction Using Machine Learning
Andres and GerardoEDUGRAATUAutomated Response Recognition for Questionnaires
TruongLPGRAUAFBiMaL: Bijective Maximum Likelihood Approach to Domain Adaptation in Semantic Scene Segmentation
LeamonsLPUGRASAUBreast Cancer Classification with ResNet and Vision Transformers
Babu GujjarDCGRAUALRData Washing Machine - Finding Data Quality Faults
AdeliyiSMGRAUALRDetecting inorganic activities within YouTube channels
SpannSMGRAUALRDetecting the Emergence of Connective Action in Online Social Networks
MyersLPUGRASAUDifferent Optimization Methods for Deep Learning
Garcia and MayEDUGRAATUEmotion Recognition with Deep Learning
ReidLPUGRASAUFusion of Keystroke Based Authentication Algorithms using Neural Networks
RobertsDCUGRAUALRGSDMD Mutation Analysis
DouangchanhEDUGRAATUHandwritten Digit Recognition
IyerCIUGRAUAMSHeuristic Oncological Prognosis Evaluator (HOPE)
SpurlingSAUGRAUCAHow reliable are crowd workers?
HudsonEDUGRAATUHuman Action Recognition using Machine Language
SmithCIUGRAUAMSImage Defacing for Patient Privacy
Harrala and FreemanEDUGRAUAFIterative Improvement for First Year Data Science Courses
AlimohammadiLPGRAUAFLearning Transaction Health Data to Predict the Outcome of Mechanical Ventilation in ICU
TayyabSAGRAUALRPersonal data not personal anymore
VanSAGRAUAFPoisoning Attacks on Fair Machine Learning
HarperSMGRAUAFRacial and Gender Homophily in Classroom Discussion Networks
JohnsonLPUGRASAUReinforcement Learning and the Process of Solving Complex Games
SchonefieldLPGRASAUReward Shaping from Raw Pixels in Deep Reinforcement Learning
AdesobaSMGRAUALRSituational Analysis of Online Discourse on YouTube: Case Study on Australia and China
Hernandez AzucenaDCGRAUAFStochastic Variational Inference Deep Neural Network in Aerial Image Classification for Emergency Response Applications Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
TruongLPGRAUAFThe Right to Talk: An Audio-Visual Transformer Approach
MoodySAUGRAUCAToo many Reviews? Let's summarize them
Sultana TanuSAGRAUAFTowards the Design for Market System: Fairness-Aware Design Decision Making
EubankCIGRAUAMSTransforming Qualitative Clinical Data by Establishing A Reproducible Data Interpretation Method
KobayashiDCGRAUALRUnsupervised Correction of Reference Data in the Data Washing Machine