When: Spring 2022 Where: Little Rock, AR Research Theme: Cyberinfrastructure DART Faculty Participants:Fred Prior, UAMS DART Student Participants:Anu Iyer, Little Rock Central High School Anu Iyer, a junior at historic Central High School in Little Rock Arkansas, was featured in multiple news outlets for developing a more accurate machine learning tool for diagnosing multiple cancers….Continue Reading Arkansas High School Student Receives Accolades for Work in Machine Learning
Tag: 2022
Arkansas Researchers Sequence COVID-19 Genomes & Discover Mutation Limitations
A team of researchers led by Professor David Ussery at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences is using high-throughput computing to help in sequencing and analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes within Arkansas and comparing these to millions of other Covid-19 genomes sequenced from around the world. The work performed by this team led to the discovery that the COVID-19 virus has limitations on the number of possible mutations, a significant result that will contribute to the global knowledge base needed to combat COVID-19 and similar viruses….Continue Reading Arkansas Researchers Sequence COVID-19 Genomes & Discover Mutation Limitations
2022 All Hands Meeting and Poster Competition
YR 2 Update Videos for External Advisory Board (May 2022) YR 2 Meeting Registration, Hotel, and Travel Reimbursement Details YR 2 Student Poster Competition Winners May 16-17, 2022YR 2 All Hands Meeting and Student Poster Competition in Little Rock, Arkansas. The annual All-Hands Meeting and Poster Competition provides an opportunity for the project members to…Continue Reading 2022 All Hands Meeting and Poster Competition
2+2 Program Work-in-Progress
Title: 2+2 Program Work-in-progress, presented by the Education RTPresenter(s): Education RTDate: April 27, 2022 Description A major element of our Education Research Theme is to create pathways for Data Science students from 2-year colleges through A.S. degrees and certificates and then to 4-year colleges and universities for completion of a B.S. in Data Science in…Continue Reading 2+2 Program Work-in-Progress
Racial and Gender Homophily in Classroom Discussion Networks
Title: Racial and Gender Homophily in Classroom Discussion NetworksPresenter(s): Regan Harper (UAF DART GRA)Date: March 30, 2022 Description Previous studies on homophily tend to focus on positive social relationships, like friendships, which overlooks the negative networks formed through the access to internet. Our study employs an online discussion platform and examines the hidden and invisible…Continue Reading Racial and Gender Homophily in Classroom Discussion Networks
Prediction and learning for designing materials for solar energy conversion
Title: Prediction and learning for designing materials for solar energy conversionPresenter(s): Rob CoridanDate: February 23, 2022 Description Materials for converting solar energy into chemical fuels requires balancing the many physical and chemical steps involved (light absorption, catalysis, product separation, diffusion of reactants and products) along multiple length scales (from single atoms to m2). This balance…Continue Reading Prediction and learning for designing materials for solar energy conversion
Precognition: Seeing through the Future
Title: Precognition: Seeing through the Future Presenter(s): Khoa Luu Date: January 26, 2022 Description Vision-based detection and recognition studies have been recently achieving highly accurate performance and were able to bridge the gap between research and real-world applications. Beyond these well-explored detection and recognition capabilities of modern algorithms, vision-based forecasting will likely be one of the next…Continue Reading Precognition: Seeing through the Future
2022 Annual Retreat
February 3-4, 2022Virtual Retreat Documents The Yr 2 DART Annual Retreat will be virtual only. This change in format is unfortunate, but we hope to be able to still have a productive retreat focused on team building and fostering a sense of collaboration among the group. All DART faculty and graduate student participants should plan…Continue Reading 2022 Annual Retreat
Seed Grant Recipients
The DART Research Seed Grant Program invites scientists throughout Arkansas to identify emerging or transformative areas of research in alignment with DART scientific focus and support one or more of the DART goals, but does not overlap current DART projects. This identified research should strengthen ties to Arkansas business; enhance our talent pool by expanding…Continue Reading Seed Grant Recipients